
Showing posts from February, 2025

Currently active Wi-Fi network URL scheme for iOS and macOS

These URLs take you to the page that opens when you press the 'i' button next to the current network in Settings > Wi-Fi on iOS — or the 'Details…' button next to the current network in System Settings > Wi-Fi on macOS — where you can configure various advanced settings or view details about the network. iOS: prefs:root=WIFI&path=NetworkDetails macOS:

URL scheme for sending SMS or iMessage to multiple recipients on iOS

Can be used to send a new single or multi-person message (optionally with the message included in the URL 1 ), or to open a previous conversation with one or more recipients. Phone numbers have to be without space characters or can alternatively be URL encoded, and can be with or without country prefix. Looks like some SenderID 2 names are supported too, possibly depends on if it's an ID that can receive messages or not. To specify multiple recipients, separate the numbers (or names) with a comma, ex. 1-800-692-7753,1–800–854–3680 . If you want to include a message, it needs to be URL encoded. sms://open?addresses= numbers or names separated by comma or with a message attached: sms://open?addresses=12345678&body=My %20URL%20encoded%20message 1 "SMS WatchKit multiple number delimiter"— 2 GSM SMS alphanumeric SenderID

Apple Wallpaper Downloader: Download the stock wallpapers for every macOS release

Get 161 beautiful wallpapers with this shortcut for iOS and macOS, that downloads all the stock wallpapers included with the current and all previous versions of macOS, directly from Apple's website. The wallpapers are also perfectly suitable for iPhones, iPads etc. Because the original wallpaper files are losslessly compressed, it takes a few minutes to download and convert everything to lossy JPEG files. Get the shortcut here .

Multi-line, full URL location dialog instead of single-line bar for your web browser

Use this bookmarklet if you like to see the entire URL, instead of maybe only 5 or 10 characters of it, whenever you feel like editing the current webpage URL. javascript:(() => { _style = `<style>body:has(#mydialog[open]) { overflow: hidden }; #mydialog::backdrop { all: revert }</style>`; document.head.insertAdjacentHTML('beforeend', _style); _element = `<dialog id="mydialog" style="all: revert; width: clamp(300px, 75vw, 600px); height: 250px; padding-bottom: 0px"><textarea id="myinput" autofocus autocapitalize="none" autocomplete="off" spellcheck="false" style="all: revert; font-family: monospace; font-size: 16px; width: -webkit-fill-available; width: -moz-available; width: stretch; height: 208px; resize: none;"></textarea><button id="mycancelbtn" style="all: revert; font-size: 15px; margin-right: 16px">Cancel</button><button id="myokb...