
Showing posts from December, 2024

URL scheme for iOS that opens Phone app's keypad

Could for example be used in a shortcut that copies a GSM code to the clipboard, opens the keypad URL and (since there doesn't seem to be any way to include the number/code in the URL) instructs you to paste and then press the call button. Or if you for some other reason just want to get directly to the keypad. mobilephone-keypad://

Extract iOS backups with stock macOS Terminal commands

The following extracts your iOS backup files as APFS clone files (which take no disk space), gives the hashed filenames their real names and moves them into folders based on their associated domain — making the cloned backup easily browsable in Finder. 1. Navigate to the backup folder: cd ~/Library/Application\ Support/MobileSync/Backup/ 2. Look for a folder that contains a Manifest.db file and lots of 2-character subfolders and then run: cd name_of_your_folder 3. This extract everything to ~/Desktop/ios_backup , except the files you can access from Files app, if you want to extract those as well, leave out | grep -v "File Provider Storage" before | sh at the end: sqlite3 Manifest.db '.mode list' '.once /dev/stdout' 'select "find . -name " || fileID || " | xargs -I{} ditto --clone {} ~/""Desktop/ios_backup/'${PWD##*/}'/" || domain || "/" || relativePath || """" from files' | grep ...

iOS URL scheme for disabling Shortcuts notifications

Did you know there's a prefs: URL 1 that takes you the notifications settings for Shortcuts app on iOS, except that it only works some of the time? Fortunately there's a way to make it work every time. Since the URL goes to the Shortcuts notifications settings via Screen Time settings and these pages aren't static, you need to let the content finish loading before moving on to the next path segment. The solution is to open each segment separately with a 1 second pause between, like this: Open   prefs:root=SCREEN_TIME Wait 1 second Open   prefs:root=SCREEN_TIME&path=SCREEN_TIME_SUMMARY Wait 1 second Open   prefs:root=SCREEN_TIME&path=SCREEN_TIME_SUMMARY/ Only works if there were any notifications in the last 7 days, though, but you can just run a Shortcut that shows a notification and the above URL s will work after a few seconds. Note 1: for this URL to work to begin with, you need to have App & Website Activity turned on i...